GMB Edinburgh & Lothian Branch are able to offer all elected reps a branded gmbrep email address. If you are using hotmail, yahoo, gmail, or another unbranded format you should consider requesting a branded email from you branch. It is free and I am sure you will agree, if you look at the picture opposite you will see the branded email format and the structure to the signature as well at the email address name looks and gives our union reps a more business-like and professional representation to their communications. If you would interested in a branded emaill address please click here.
Edinburgh & Lothian Branch has built up a very experienced and extensive team of union reps in their regional network. Our aim is to develop this network to ensure we have sustainable coverage for the membership in our region. If you are interested in developing union activisim within your company or are considering putting yourself forward to become a workplace union rep we would be delighted to hear from you and support you through the entire process. If you are interested please click here to register you interest and one of our officers will get back in touch with you.
"Our labour unions are not narrow, self-seeking groups. They have raised wages, shortened hours and provided supplemental benefits. Through collective bargaining and grievance procedures, they have brought justice and democracy to the shop floor".
President John F Kennedy
Our Edinburgh & Lothain Branch runs a whatsapp group for our elected reps. This group is a peer support group and functions a means of promoting information on policy, regulation, changes to the law and training and development opportunies. If you are a elected rep and would like to participate in our whatsapp group please click on the WhatsApp picture link to be added to the group.
As part of the GMB family, your membership brings you many additional benefits. Most important of these is access to Unionline, GMBs own team of Lawyers. When you need legal advice or the support of laywer our team of experts are here to help. Please click here to contact union line and find out more about the legal matters supported.