Branch Documents

Branch Meeting Agenda.

GMB Edinburgh & Lothians welcome and encourgae all members to attend our branch meetings. We have built these meeting to be directed towards developing and supporting our Elected Reps. At each meeting we will have a 20 minute Micro Bite training session on issues  important and relevent to our Reps. You will also be able to bring any problems you have or case work you need inofrmation of help with and consult with our panel of branch experts.

Click Here. you can read of listen to the minutes of previous meetings.

Branch objectives plan for 2023-2024

The branch plan for 2023/24 presents an ambitious vision for Edinburgh & Lothian's branch, reflecting our commitment to growth and progress. Ourdedicated branch officers possess unwavering tenacity and a drive to pursueour objectives by continually expanding their knowledge and skillsets. Thiscollective expertise will be utilised to support and uplift our wider membership.

Our branch aspires to be a dynamic, proactive, and forward-thinking entity, actively engaged in fostering the development of our members. The renowned words of Sir Francis Bacon, first published in 1597, resonatedeeply within our organisation. His assertion that "knowledge itself is power"underscores the pivotal role of knowledge sharing as the cornerstone ofreputation, influence, and ultimately, power. It is this principle that forms thebedrock of our branch's growth and advancement. Click the image above to read our full 2023-2024 Branch Plan